Flights of Fancy
I’ve wanted to make my art process more playful and imaginative. So, I’m exploring a new medium—acrylic and charcoal—and working more from my intuition, rather than from reference photos. I’m willing to make changes during the painting process and be surprised by the outcome.
Birds, birds, birds
Bird-watching became an exciting activity (seriously) during the year of social distancing and generally being non-social. I started observing birds in my backyard and even joined a friend on a couple of Georgia Audubon field walks.
I painted this just as we transitioned from winter to spring, and I kept seeing bluebirds every time I looked out the window.
“Bird Girl” 24” x 20” acrylic and charcoal on canvas
Seeking direction
I wasn’t sure where I was going next. At times during the painting process, the woman below was holding an origami swan, then a book, and finally an oversized compass.
“Seeking Direction,” 24” x 20” acrylic and charcoal on canvas
Perhaps this painting is a bit autobiographical. All my adult life, I’ve struggled with decision-making. I live in a time where I have much more freedom than my ancestors before me, yet sometimes fear can make the choices paralyzing. Ultimately though I’m sure this woman will go through the door.
I’m working on other paintings now, and am enjoying this new creative process. It’s not always quick or easy when I don’t have a definite plan in my mind, but so far the results have been fun and surprising. Stay tuned for more.